DISCLAIMER: The information here is for entertainment purposes only. Any views or opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of the author (myself) and do not represent those of the company I work for.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Sick to DEATH of politics. Just shut up!

When I was younger, I was a "Republican". Why? Because my parents were. Then I grew up, went off to a fairly liberal college outside of Philadelphia, got educated, and joined up with some random campus political movement that sided with liberal thought. I stayed with the "Democrat" label for quite some time. It even followed me out west five years ago.

The last few election years I blogged my brains out, siding mostly with the liberals even though one year I managed to pull the red lever. I was very boisterous about my political and religious opinions. There were many people who just couldn't grasp how, a then synodically authorized worship leader, could be so political and "so liberal" in my views.

You know why?

Because I realize that I belong to NO political party. I am a little "Republican", a little "Democrat", a little "Green", and a little "Libertarian". There is no check box on the registration forms that say "all of the above". Why is that? Why must we choose to slap a ridiculous label on ourselves as being this, or that? Sure, there is the "Unaffliated" box which I have checked off, but even unaffiliated voters typically lean more in one direction than the other much of the time. I, however, do not.

Everyone has a fair shot in the beginning. I take it upon myself to search out entire careers, voting records, and find the unbiased sources. Yes, there actually ARE unbiased sources. It takes A LOT of digging and for good reason. Politicians do NOT want you to have the correct information. They don't want people to have the truth because if people had all of the thruths, they wouldn't be voting at all. Instead, we are inundated with inane made-up televsion commercials with so much spin I need a dramamine to keep from throwing up. We have billboards linking candidates to the Taliban. We have candidates still questioning the validity of the President's birth place. And the saddest part is there are thousands upon thousands of people in this country who purchase into this unsubstantiated information because they aren't smart enough to pick up a book and read.

There's a REASON why politicians spend multi-MILLIONS on tv ads: they work for the uneducated. That's the vote they want, those and the wealthy white guys. If you are a woman, hispanic, or black, please don't vote. Thanks! Offensive or not, that's the truth and you can believe it's true because I said it was CHRIS CHRISTIE *smack head*

It's the end of August now and I STILL do not know who I am voting for, but I will tell you this much: I am sick and tired of the mud slinging, the name calling, the exaggerated half truths, the flat out lies, the coverups, the no solutions and the blatant avoidance of an honest discussion of the issues and corruption that are destroying this country as well as the back room deals and the corporate sell outs by nearly EVERYONE claiming that only "they" represent the working class. Not a single person in Washington DC represents the "working class" and never will. That is TRUTH.

I am a mad as hell American voter who is paying VERY close attention and taking notes on the voting records, short comings, predjudices and alliances of everyone running for public office regardless of the labels they adorn themselves with. Labels mean nothing to me. When someone attempts to slap a label on me, it gets shut down immediately and usually not to the person's liking.

I am fully awake and I am more than a little bit sad that I am only finding candidates to vote against but very few to believe in and vote for. This makes me an angry voter this year, just so you know....

P.S. Please keep your PERSONAL religious, racial, gender and sexual orientation biases out of how you PRETEND to represent me. Your beliefs DO NOT belong in MY life.

Rant over. I'm done discussing politics. For good.


  1. I knew there was a reason I liked you. OK, yet another reason, I suppose.

    I feel very much the same way you do. I even "jokingly" had thought about telling people to write my name in because I couldn't do any worse than anyone else. I have often said we should have a 'none of the above' option in voting as well and the parties would have to select new options (but that would just draw all this painful mess out).

    To sum up, someone once told me:
    If you're choosing the lesser of two evils, one should question why evil is the only option.

    - Ken

  2. Send all of DC packing and just randomly pick people off the street. How's that for civic duty?
