DISCLAIMER: The information here is for entertainment purposes only. Any views or opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of the author (myself) and do not represent those of the company I work for.

Monday, December 27, 2010

"HEY! Your Love Handles are Showing!"

The end of winter break is quickly approaching and I will soon be returning for my last 17 weeks of the police academy. I have accomplished absolutely nothing. I had grand plans of working out, training nonstop at the dojo, running every day, traveling to the Rockies for fun in the snow, and writing the best extra credit paper I've ever written.

What have I done since December 9th, you might ask?


Not a god damned thing.


Eaten a dozen too many mocha cringles (thanks Lauryn).
Played hours of Frontierville on Facebook,
Managed to shower only a couple of times during the week (hell if I even get dressed half the time).
Had random lunches of 3 soft tacos and chicken chalupas at Taco Bell.
Eaten a 1lb. bag of Peppermint Patties (I had to because I made a cake with them on top).
Played xbox 360 for hours on end.
Watched about 18 hours of movies on Netflix.
Watched an equal amount of television.
Harassed countless friends due to my boredom.
Cleaned my house at least 5 times (even though with four kids it looks as if I haven't cleaned it in 6 months)
Eaten a pound of mustard crusted cheese (melted inside Pillsbury croissant bread).
16 loads of laundry (as it presently lays in a 10 foot pile on my bedroom floor).
Wrote one single solitary sentence of the paper I have to write by 1/11 (It took me an hour).

I'm "fat"...on my own personal scale anyway. I'm lazy. I'm bored to tears.

The stay at home Mom thing was pretty cool until I started my "career". God love my kids. I know I do, but holy hell, my love handles are showing. The only cure: get the hell out of here!

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