DISCLAIMER: The information here is for entertainment purposes only. Any views or opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of the author (myself) and do not represent those of the company I work for.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Short Story About MY Religion

True story:

Once upon a time, I lived in the city.

I was born to a Roman Catholic father and a Lutheran Mother. As tradition would have it, I would be baptized into my Mother's religion. I was therefore, baptized and raised as a Lutheran. I went to Sunday school and church as a Lutheran for 8 years. I was communed and confirmed into the ELCA. Because I was raised in the faith, I followed it.

I went to college and strayed, as many do.

After college, I met a guy. He was not affiliated with any religion.

I married him. 

We moved to the country. 

Because there was nobody, I went to church. I found acceptance and friends. I involved and immersed myself as much as possible and became a worship leader in 2007. It was all I had. At the time, I enjoyed and loved it. It was what I needed in my lonely time. I had my husband, we had 4 children ages 5 and under. I clung to my faith. It was what we knew and what my community supported.

7 years later, we moved BACK to the city. 

We found a church and went regularly, we became members. I became involved on the worship team, choir, and taught Sunday School loosely for 2 years. Then...my church SPLIT after the ELCA voted to accept gay pastors. One half went FOR and one half with AGAINST.

I went FOR. 

A mess happened.

I lost friends.

I left the church.

I still accept, love Jesus, AND accept electrons and random luck too. 

The end.

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