I have the ability to get along with most people. Although sometimes you have to have a special type of strange inside of you to get along with me. Well, that's not entirely true. You just need to have an open mind, a good sense of humor, and the ability to turn it off and what I mean by "turn it off" is to ignore the petty bullshit of life.
I think all three come only through education and life experience.
I'm about to head back to the academy and I've got a real problem with a few peeps. I get along with most and most get along with me. After all (as I've already explained) it's not hard to do. But if you lack the three listed above, you are not going to get along with me and I am most certainly not going to get along with you.
I'll tell you what. I am not going to put up with petty high school bullshit this semester. I did last semester. I kept quiet last semester. For the most part, I kept to myself and minded my own business. I didn't sign up to make any friends. As a matter of fact, I don;t have room in my life for any more friends than I already have. Besides, the academy isn't exactly the best place to make friends when a good three quarters of those folks are not only willing to throw you under the bus, but you can almost garantee they'll be the one driving that bus.
I don't have time for nonsense. There is no room for it in my life. I'm booked solid. I've been on my own before half these folks were even out of elementary school. I'm not there to impress you, work for you, be your friend, or sit in a sad little judgemental circle talking about some dumb bullshit someone else is doing.
Guess what? If you haven't figured it out in the first 17 weeks, I don't care what anyone else is doing, why they are doing it, or who they are doing it with. I don't care if so and so isn't showing up for gym. I don't care if so and so isn't pulling their weight. I don't care if so and so is doing this, or if so and so is not doing that. I don't care. I'm not twenty something years old. That crap is not important to me. It's petty crap that doesn't affect my life whatsoever.
I'm at that academy for me. I could give a damn about what everyone else does, or doesn't do. It has absolutely no bearing on my life. My goal is to graduate and to move on. It isn't about who's not running fast enough, who isn't studying, or who hangs out with who.
It's about getting the job done and getting the hell out of there.
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