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Monday, January 9, 2012

Me and Church and People and Why I Just Don't Go Anymore.

All are related.

I look at my relationship with the three as a circle. I have a relationship with God. I always have and I always will. I'm a "Christian" who was baptized into "the church" in 1976. I went to Sunday School forever, I received my Holy Communion, I was Confirmed, I was married (the second time) in a church, and a few years ago, became a synodically authorized Worship Leader. I believe in God, Jesus, and somewhere other than earth (not necessarily "heaven").

I also believe in science and rational thinking.

The two conflict at the most seriousness of issues, but I like to think that I am a rational human being who likes to reason instead of placing all my eggs into the basket of "faith".

That's just me. I do not force what I believe upon anyone, nor go off like a crazy lunatic on those who do not have the same opinions and beliefs I do. I don't care if you worship God, the sun, the moon, Buddah, or a pile of socks on your floor. I don't care. Your beliefs have absolutely nothing to do with me and have no bearing on my life whatsoever.

Do not tell me I need to go to church.

I could take it, or leave it. I don't need to be in a building to talk to God, to praise him, or partake in anything else "Godly". I can do it anywhere. I can sing along with K-Love driving around town. I can pray before I got to sleep at night. I can read my Bible in my recliner. Nobody says I need to be present-bodied, dressed to the nines, in a building labeled "church". Anyone can build one and stick a cross on top. I could go to the orthodontist and break out in song and call that church.

After all, church began in the catacombs. That, at the time, was "church".

Agree with me, or don't. But when you add people into the mix of the idea of church, things tend to get a little psycho.

I get so tired of people pointing the finger at me for this and for that. The people I find most guilty of it are Christians themselves. Love thy neighbor, unless...

Last I knew Jesus never placed an "unless" upon anyone.

I just plain don't like going to church anymore. I keep trying, really I do, but I find that I just can't tolerate it anymore. My brain and rational thinking keep getting in the way.

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