DISCLAIMER: The information here is for entertainment purposes only. Any views or opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of the author (myself) and do not represent those of the company I work for.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

People Can be SO Touchy!

You make fun of Christianity for a few days and the claws come out all over the place. I have scratches up and down my hot, sweet, toned body from it.

Make fun of Atheists or Muslims, piss on their corpses, hell, that's fun! Make fun of Jesus, that's not fun. No. No!

Anyone who thinks I am less of a Christian, or perhaps not one at all because I have been making fun of Tebow all week: I love God..and electrons, but mostly protons because they are positive. God, well, not so much.

There, I said it. Pull your panties out of your ass.

If I am offensive to you, it is your choice to be be my "friend" on facebook. It is your choice to read this blog. And it is your choice to be my friend. It always has been your choice. If you don't like what I have to say, "unfriend" me. If you don't like what I say in this blog, don't come back. If you are a friend of mine and you find yourself continuously offended by the things I say, think back to why you called me a friend in the first place.

I actually have the guts to be myself. If you don't approve, take a hike.

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